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#### BIGFATNOTE:You must restart your webserver after making changes to this file.

Set($LogToFile , 'error');
Set($LogDir, '/var/log/');
Set($LogToFileNamed , "rt.log");
Set($LogToScreen, "debug");
#Set(@Plugins,(qw(RT::Extension::QuickDelete RT::Extension::CommandByMail)));
Set( $WebBaseURL, '' );
Set( $WebPath, '' );
Set( $WebDomain, '' );
Set( $rtname, '' );
Set( $WebPort, '443' );
Set( $Organization, '' );
Set( $Timezone, "America/Whitehorse");
Set( $DatabaseRequireSSL, '0' );
Set( $DatabaseType, 'Pg' );
Set( $DatabasePort, '5432' );
Set( $DatabaseUser, 'rt' );
Set( $DatabasePassword, 'DBMinion' );
Set( $DatabaseHost,   "localhost");
Set( $DatabaseRTHost, "");
Set( $DatabaseName, 'rtdb' );
Set( $CommentAddress, '' );
Set( $CorrespondAddress, '' );
Set( $OwnerEmail, '' );
Set( $SendmailPath, '/usr/sbin/sendmail' );
Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [   'My_LDAP' ]);
Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [   'My_LDAP' ]);
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS,    0);
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers,    0);
Set($ExternalSettings,      {   
	'My_LDAP'	=>  {	'type'			=>  'ldap',
				'server'		=>  '',
				'user'			=>  '',
				'pass'			=>  'ThisDevilIkn0w',
				'base'			=>  'cn=Users,dc=computerisms,dc=com',
				'filter'		=>  '(objectClass=person)',
				'd_filter'		=>  '(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)',
				'tls'			=>  0,
				'ssl_version'		=>  3,
				'net_ldap_args'		=> [    version =>  3   ],
				'attr_match_list'	=> [   	'Name', 'EmailAddress' ],
				'attr_map'		=> {   	'Name'		=> 'sAMAccountName',
								'EmailAddress' 	=> 'userPrincipalName',
								'Organization' 	=> 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
								'RealName'	=> 'cn',
								'ExternalAuthId' => 'sAMAccountName',
                                                                'Gecos'		=> 'sAMAccountName',
                                                                'WorkPhone'	=> 'telephoneNumber',
                                                                'Address1'	=> 'streetAddress',
                                                                'City' 		=> 'l',
                                                                'State' 	=> 'st',
                                                                'Zip' 		=> 'postalCode',
                                                                'Country' 	=> 'co'
Set($MaxAttachmentSize, 100_000_000);
Set($DropLongAttachments, 1);
Set($RTAddressRegexp, '');
Set($ValidateUserEmailAddresses, 1);
Set($MailCommand, "qmail");
Set($DefaultMailPrecedence, undef);
Set($DefaultErrorMailPrecedence, undef);
Set($UseFriendlyToLine, 1);
Set($SMTPServer, 'localhost');
Set($SMTPFrom, '');
Set($SMTPDebug, 0);
Set($LogoURL, RT->Config->Get('WebImagesURL') . "computerisms.logo.png");
Set($LogoLinkURL, "");
Set($LogoAltText, "For Documentation for Request Tracker click this link");
Set($LogoImageHeight, 100);
Set($LogoImageWidth, 200);