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Organize Hardware
Network Topology
- (wlan0) worklian (Ubuntu Workstation) - (eth0) ^ | (switch/WAP - V ====> <= houselian (PDC/Primary Server) WAN <=> ^ \=> <= shedlian (Backup Server) ^ | \=> <= adminlian (Windows Workstation) <= connects in bridged mode on the wireless link on worklian | | \=> <= worklian (Wireless interface connects to switch/WAP) V V <= porchlian ====> (eth1) (eth0) \==> (eth2) <= Public Network for foriegn machines =>
Additional Resources
- My true production domain name is Since I find it confusing to have the test and the real environment be the same name, will be the domain we are building. I already have ownership of the name
Physical Hardware
Windows Workstation -
- required for testing and configuration
- configured to run in a "work" network environment, and enable discovery.
- configure ip address to be
- dns won't work yet, this is not a problem now.
- In this case I will be using Windows 7 SP1 freshly installed and updated on a Virtual Machine installed on my:
SSH Client -
- generate an ssh key (ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa)
- in this case I will be using my ubuntu workstation
Digital Signage Remote -
- An ubuntu virtual machine
- configure with IP address
- No special config required; by the time you need this, everything else will be in place
Firewall -
- computer does need to be reliable, but not smart. Use an old workstation.
- this computer must have at least 2 network cards. larger networks with multiple subnets will probably need at least 3
- in this case I am using a very old dell dimension with 3 NICs
- install debian testing (jessie)
- create the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and put your public ssh key in it.
- cp /etc/vim/vimrc /root/.vimrc
- edit /root/.vimrc and find the line 'set compatible'; uncomment it and change it to 'set nocompatible'
- edit /root/.bashrc, enable colours and any other personal preferences
- set apt repositories to contain contrib and non-free (optional, if needed for drivers)
- apt-get install ssh ntp rsync tcpdump nmap
- apt-get remove rpcbind nfs-common
- mkdir /root/scripts
- configure external eth0 interface as
- configure internal eth1 interface as
- configure internal eth2 interface as
Server -
- this will be the workhorse of the network. This will be the PDC and lots of other things
- for a network of one for testing, I am sure any p3 or better will work fine.
- in a production environment you will need to split this into multiple machines
- in this case I am using a ~10 year old HP rackmount server
- install debian testing (jessie)
- create the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and put your public ssh key in it.
- cp /etc/vim/vimrc /root/.vimrc
- edit /root/.vimrc and find the line 'set compatible'; uncomment it and change it to 'set nocompatible'
- edit /root/.bashrc, enable colours and any other personal preferences
- set apt repositories to contain contrib and non-free (optional, if needed for drivers)
- apt-get install ssh ntp rysnc build-essential bind9
- apt-get remove rpcbind
- mkdir /root/scripts
- configure your resolv.conf to use 'nameserver'
- configure eth0 interface as
Backups -
- this computer really does not need to be smart, only reliable
- in a testing environment, huge storage is not required
- However, install the OS on a small partition and leave the majority of the disk to be partitioned later
- in production this machine needs to have plenty of sata ports or some such
- in a testing environment, huge storage is not required
- in this case I am using another old dell dimension
- install debian testing (jessie)
- create the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and put your public ssh key in it.
- cp /etc/vim/vimrc /root/.vimrc
- edit /root/.vimrc and find the line 'set compatible'; uncomment it and change it to 'set nocompatible'
- edit /root/.bashrc, enable colours and any other personal preferences
- set apt repositories to contain contrib and non-free (optional, if needed for drivers)
- apt-get install ntp ssh
- apt-get remove rpcbind
- configure eth0 interface as
- for a one person test scenario, you can use a hub.
- scale up accordingly
- in this case, I am using a linksys wireless G unit flashed with openwrt.
- The wan port is taped over to prevent accidents. Always do this when you use wireless routers for switches.
Plug It In
- everything has a fixed ip, so test basic connectivity. make sure everybody can see everybody.
- dpkg --clear-avail
^^ This command fixes the "dpkg: warning: parsing file" errors