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Revision as of 23:27, 14 May 2014 by Bob (talk | contribs)
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New Script - Please read the notes at the top as things have changed since /root/scripts/


# Written by Bob Miller -
# Converted from Bash Script Feb 2014 and
# modified to account for >4GB/hour internet connections

## This should cover any packages required on a standard debian box:
## apt-get install libfile-tail-perl libtext-trim-perl libdatetime-format-mail-perl libnet-sslglue-perl

## This script depends on configuration of the iptaccount module available in xtables-addons
## It assumes each subnet matches one physical interface which matches one iptaccount table name
## Some iptables rules like this should work:
## iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -j ACCOUNT --addr --tname lan
## iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -j ACCOUNT --addr 0/0 --tname wan

## Set cron to run this often enough that the $wrap variable is not exceeded in one run
## For example, on slow connections, this can be run once per hour, on fast connections every
## 10 minutes.  It needs to be run offset so that the reporting fires before midnight, something
## Like so will do (note busy systems may need to run 2 minutes before midnight to give the 
## script time to run instead of one minute):
## 9-59/10 * * * * PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin; /usr/bin/perl /root/scripts/
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Tail;
use Text::Trim;
use Net::SMTP;
use Net::SSLGlue::SMTP;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Mail;

##                                                                                ##
##                          Configuration Options                                 ##
##                                                                                ##

## Configure WAN ehternet port and matching --tname from iptables
our $wanface = "eth0";
our $wanipt = "wan";

## From your iptables, list all --tname values here except the wan
our @iptname = ("computerisms", "computerisms-pub", "computerisms2remote");

## Enable full detail for per-host reporting (set to 0 to disable, set to 1 to enable)
## List each --tname you have in @iptname and enable/disable each one
#our %iptdetail = (
#	"computerisms" => 1,
#	"computerisms-pub" => 0,
#	"computerisms2remote" => 0,

## Set the base directory to store daily data
our $base = "/root/scripts/bwdata";

## Set 32-bit system or 64-bit system
our $wrap = 4294967295; ## Uncomment this for 32-bit
#our $wrap = 18446744073709551615; ## Uncomment this for 64-bit

## Set these values as per the cronjob to the last run of the day to generate and send a report.
our $rpthour = "23";
our $rptmin = "59";

## Set Mega or Mibi
our $mb = "1000"; ## Uncomment this line for Mega
#our $mb = "1024"; ## Uncomment this line for Mibi

## Set this to the max bandwidth in GB(GiB) before incurring overage charges
our $maxbw = "90";

## Set how often the script runs in minutes; used to make sure a machine reboot doesn't trigger a wrap count
our $cycle = "10";

## Configure mail settings
our $smtpserver = "";
our $mailfrom = "firewall\";
our $mailto = "bob.miller\";
our $mailhello = "";
our $smtpauthname = "smtpauth\";
our $smtpauthpass = "xxxxxxxxx";

##                                                                                ##
##           You should not need to change anything below here                    ##
##                                                                                ##

## Populate time and date variables

our $date = Time::Piece->new;
our $time = $date->time;
our $hour = $date->hour;
our $min = $date->min;
our $month = $date->strftime('%Y/%m');
our $thisday = $date->strftime('%d');
our $today = $date->ymd("/");
our $yesterday = ($date - ONE_DAY)->ymd("/");
our $tzdate = DateTime->now(time_zone => "local");
our $rfc2822 = DateTime::Format::Mail->format_datetime($tzdate);

## Test if Today's directory exists, if not create it

if (!-d "$base"."/"."$today"."/") {

## Set System Executables

our $doipt = qx(which iptaccount) or die "cannot find iptaccount program $!";
our $donbt = qx(which nbtscan) or die "cannot find nbtscan program $!";
chomp ($doipt, $donbt);

## Did we reboot since last run?
our $reboot;
my $uptime = qx(cat /proc/uptime | cut -f 1 -d " ");
if ($uptime*60 < $cycle) {
	$reboot ="y";

## Now Collect iptaccount data for internal subnets

for my $curiptname (@iptname) {
	if (!-d "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$curiptname"."/") {
	my @ipt = qx($doipt -s -l $curiptname);
	my ($lastrun, $hostname);
	foreach my $i (@ipt) {
		next if $i =~ /^\D/;
		chomp $i;
		my @ip = split(';', $i);
		my $curfile="$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]";
		if (!-e $curfile) {
			if (-e "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]") {
				my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]", tail => 1);
				$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
				my @resetday = split (/ /, $lastrun);
				@resetday[5..9,11] = (0) x 6;
				$lastrun = "@resetday";
				chomp $lastrun;
			} else {
				$lastrun = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 undef 0 ";
				chomp $lastrun;
		} else {
			my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]", tail => 1) or die $!;
			$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
			chomp $lastrun;
		my @lastrun = split(/ /, $lastrun);
		my ($sincelastin, $curttlin, $sincelastout, $curttlout);
		if ($lastrun[1] > $ip[2] && $reboot != "y") {
			$sincelastin = $wrap+$ip[2]-$lastrun[1];
			$curttlin = $lastrun[5]+$sincelastin;
		} else {
			$sincelastin = $ip[2]-$lastrun[1];
			$curttlin = $lastrun[5]+$sincelastin;
		if ($lastrun[2] > $ip[4] && $reboot != "y") {
			$sincelastout = $wrap+$ip[4]-$lastrun[2];
			$curttlout = $lastrun[6]+$sincelastout;
		} else {
			$sincelastout = $ip[4]-$lastrun[2];
			$curttlout = $lastrun[6]+$sincelastout;
		my $runttl = $curttlin+$curttlout;
		next if ( $sincelastin == 0 && $sincelastout == 0 );
		my @hostlook;
		my $lookup = qx($donbt -s : $ip[0]);
		if ( $lookup ne '' ) {
			my @hostlook = split (/:/, $lookup);
			$hostname = $hostlook[1];
			$hostname = trim($hostname);
			chomp $hostname;
		} else {
			$lookup = qx(grep $ip[0] /proc/net/arp);
			if ( $lookup ne '' ) {
				@hostlook = split (' ', $lookup);
				$hostname = $hostlook[3];
				$hostname = trim($hostname);
				chomp $hostname;
				$hostname=$lastrun[10] if ( $hostname =~ /incomplete/ ); 
				$hostname=$lastrun[10] if ( $hostname =~ /00:00:00:00:00:00/ ); 
			} else { 
				$hostname = "NOT DEFINABLE";
				chomp $hostname;
		if ( $hostname ne "$lastrun[10]" ) {
		open IP, ">> $curfile" or die $!;
		if ( -z $curfile) {
			print IP "timestamp iptin iptout insince outsince runttlin runttlout runttl wrapin wrapout hostname hostchange\n";
		print IP "$time $ip[2] $ip[4] $sincelastin $sincelastout $curttlin $curttlout $runttl $lastrun[8] $lastrun[9] $hostname $lastrun[11]\n";

## Now do data for WAN port

my $curfile="$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$wanface";
my ($lastrun, $curwanipt, $sincelastipt, $ttlipt, $insince, $runttlin, $outsince, $runttlout);
if (!-e $curfile) {
	open WAN, ">> $curfile" or die $!;
	print WAN "timestamp ipt sysin sysout iptsince runipt insince outsince runttlin runttlout runttl wrapipt wrapin wrapout\n";
	if (-e "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$wanface") {
		my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$wanface", tail => 1) or die $!;
		$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
		my @resetday = split (/ /, $lastrun);
		@resetday[4..13] = (0) x 10;
		$lastrun = "@resetday";
		chomp $lastrun;
	} else {
		$lastrun = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0";
		chomp $lastrun;
} else {
	my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$wanface", tail => 1) or die $!;
	$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
	chomp $lastrun;
my @ipt = qx($doipt -s -l $wanipt);
foreach my $j (@ipt) {
	if ($j =~ /^\d/) {
		chomp $j;
		my @ipt = split(';', $j);
		$curwanipt =$ipt[2];
open RX, "/sys/class/net/$wanface/statistics/rx_bytes" or die $!;
open TX, "/sys/class/net/$wanface/statistics/tx_bytes" or die $!;
my $sysin = <RX>;
my $sysout = <TX>;
chomp ($sysin, $sysout);
my @lastrun = split(/ /, $lastrun);
if ($lastrun[1] > $curwanipt && $reboot != "y") {
	$sincelastipt = $wrap+$curwanipt-$lastrun[1];
	$ttlipt = $lastrun[5]+$sincelastipt;
} else {
	$sincelastipt = $curwanipt-$lastrun[1];
	$ttlipt = $sincelastipt+$lastrun[5];
if ($lastrun[2] > $sysin && $reboot != "y") {
	$insince = $wrap+$sysin-$lastrun[2];
	$runttlin = $lastrun[8]+$insince;
} else {
	$insince = $sysin-$lastrun[2];
	$runttlin = $insince+$lastrun[8];
if ($lastrun[3] > $sysout && $reboot != "y") {
	$outsince = $wrap+$sysout-$lastrun[3];
	$runttlout = $lastrun[9]+$outsince;
} else {
	$outsince = $sysout-$lastrun[3];
	$runttlout = $outsince+$lastrun[9];
my $runttl = $runttlin+$runttlout;
open WAN, ">>$curfile" or die $!;
print WAN "$time $curwanipt $sysin $sysout $sincelastipt $ttlipt $insince $outsince $runttlin $runttlout $runttl $lastrun[11] $lastrun[12] $lastrun[13]\n";
close WAN;

## We should have a pretty comprehensive data set now, let's generate a report:

if ( $hour == $rpthour && $min == $rptmin) {
	my ($wanfile, $mtdwan, $mtdlan, $runipt, $runsysin, $runsysout, $runsysttl, $mtdreadwan, $mtdreadlan, $day, $daysip,  $todayipt, $todaysysin, $todaysysout, $todaysysttl, $mtdttlin, $mtdttlout, $mtdttl);
	my @mtdreadwan;
	my @mtdreadlan;
	my %daily=();
	my $rptfile = "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."Daily.rpt";
	opendir (DAYS,"$base"."/"."$month") or die "Can't open days $!";
	while (my $day = readdir(DAYS)) {
		next if $day =~ /^\D/;
		my $wanfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$wanface", tail => 1);
		$mtdwan = $wanfile -> read;	
		@mtdreadwan = split (/ /, $mtdwan);
		$runipt += $mtdreadwan[5];
		$runsysin += $mtdreadwan[8];
		$runsysout += $mtdreadwan[9];
		$runsysttl += $mtdreadwan[10];
		if ($day == $thisday) {
			$todayipt = $mtdreadwan[5];
			$todaysysin = $mtdreadwan[8];
			$todaysysout = $mtdreadwan[9];
			$todaysysttl = $mtdreadwan[10];
		foreach my $i (@iptname) {
			next if (!-e "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$i");
			opendir (IPT, "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$i") or die "can't open $i days-iptname $!";
			while (my $daysip = readdir(IPT)) {
				next if $daysip =~ /^\D/;
				my $lanfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$i"."/"."$daysip", tail => 1);
				$mtdlan = $lanfile -> read;
				@mtdreadlan = split (/ /, $mtdlan);
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlin} = $mtdreadlan[5];
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlout} = $mtdreadlan[6];
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttl} = $mtdreadlan[7];
				$daily{$i}{$daysip}{mtdttlin} += $mtdreadlan[5];
				$daily{$i}{$daysip}{mtdttlout} += $mtdreadlan[6];
				$daily{$i}{$daysip}{mtdttl} += $mtdreadlan[7];
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{devname} = $mtdreadlan[10];	
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{devchange} = $mtdreadlan[11];	
				$daily{$i}{mtdin} += $daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlin};
				$daily{$i}{mtdout} += $daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlout};
				$daily{$i}{mtd} += $daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttl};
				if ( $day == $thisday ) {
					$daily{$i}{dailyttlin} += $mtdreadlan[5];
					$daily{$i}{dailyttlout} += $mtdreadlan[6];
					$daily{$i}{dailyttl} += $mtdreadlan[7];
	my $percentage = int($runsysttl/($maxbw*$mb*$mb*$mb)*100);
	open RPT, ">> $rptfile" or die $!;
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "**                                                                        **\n";
	print RPT "**                     DAILY BANDWIDTH REPORT                             **\n";
	print RPT "**                  For day ending: $today                            **\n";
	print RPT "**                Explanations and Documentation:                         **\n";
	print RPT "**    **\n";
	print RPT "**                                                                        **\n";
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "SUMMARY\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "                       Percentage of Allowed Bandwidth Used This Month:  $percentage%\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "", "Today", "", "This Month", "");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data on External Port", int($todaysysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data on External Port", int($todayipt/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runipt/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	print RPT "\n";
	foreach my $i (@iptname) {
		if ( ! defined $daily{$i}{mtd} ) { 
			$daily{$i}{mtd} = 0;
		if ( ! defined $daily{$i}{dailyttl} ) {
			$daily{$i}{dailyttl} = 0;
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data on $i", int($daily{$i}{dailyttl}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtd}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "", "Today", "", "This Month", "");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data - Download ", int($todaysysin/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysin/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data - Upload", int($todaysysout/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysout/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data - Total Usage", int($todaysysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Total Usage", int($todayipt/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runipt/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	print RPT "\n";
	foreach my $i (@iptname) {
		my $uci = uc $i;
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "$uci USAGE - DETAILED REPORT\n";
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "\n";
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "", "Today", "", "This Month", "");
		for my $def ( $daily{$i}{dailyttlin}, $daily{$i}{mtdin}, $daily{$i}{dailyttlout}, $daily{$i}{mtdout}, $daily{$i}{dailyttl}, $daily{$i}{mtd} ) {
			if ( ! defined $def ) { 
				$def = 0;
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Download ", int($daily{$i}{dailyttlout}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtdout}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Upload ", int($daily{$i}{dailyttlin}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtdin}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Total Usage ", int($daily{$i}{dailyttl}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtd}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
		print RPT "\n";
	foreach my $i ( keys %{$daily{$thisday}} ) {
		my $uci = uc $i;
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "\n";
		printf (RPT "%-15s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%19s%6s\n", "IP ADDR", "DAYDN", "DAYUP", "DAYTL", "MTDDN", "MTDUP", "MTDTL", "Last Seen Host  ", "Host #");
#		if ( keys %{$daily{$thisday}{$i}} ) {
			foreach my $ips (sort ( keys %{$daily{$thisday}{$i}} ) ) {
				printf (RPT "%-15s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%19s%6s\n", $ips, int($daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{ttlout}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{ttlin}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{ttl}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$i}{$ips}{mtdttlout}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$i}{$ips}{mtdttlin}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$i}{$ips}{mtdttl}/$mb/$mb), $daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{devname}, $daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{devchange});
#		}
	close (RPT);
## Send the report

	open DRPT, "< $rptfile";
	my $dailyreport = do { local $/; <DRPT> };

	my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new( "$smtpserver", Hello => "$mailhello") or die "Failed to open SMTP connection: $!";;
	$smtp->starttls(SSL_ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs', SSL_verify_mode => 0);
	$smtp->auth ("$smtpauthname","$smtpauthpass");
	$smtp->mail ("$mailfrom");
	$smtp->to ("$mailto", "$mailto2");
	$smtp->datasend("From: $mailfrom\n");
	$smtp->datasend("To: $mailto, $mailto2\n");
	$smtp->datasend("Subject: Daily BWRprt - Monthly usage is $percentage %\n");
	$smtp->datasend("Date: $rfc2822\n");


# Written by Bob Miller -
# Converted from Bash Script Feb 2014 and
# modified to account for >4GB/hour internet connections

## This should cover any packages required on a standard debian box:
## apt-get install libfile-tail-perl libtext-trim-perl

## This script depends on configuration of the iptaccount module available in xtables-addons
## It assumes each subnet matches one physical interface which matches one iptaccount table name
## Some iptables rules like this should work:
## iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -j ACCOUNT --addr --tname lan
## iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -j ACCOUNT --addr 0/0 --tname wan

## Set cron to run this often enough that the $wrap variable is not exceeded in one run
## For example, on slow connections, this can be run once per hour, on fast connections every
## 10 minutes.  It needs to be run offset so that the reporting fires before midnight, something
## Like so will do (note busy systems may need to run 2 minutes before midnight to give the 
## script time to run instead of one minute):
## 9-59/10 * * * * PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin; /usr/bin/perl /root/scripts/
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Tail;
use Text::Trim;
use Net::SMTP;

##                                                                                ##
##                          Configuration Options                                 ##
##                                                                                ##

## Configure WAN ehternet port and matching --tname from iptables
our $wanface = "eth0";
our $wanipt = "wan";

## From your iptables, list all --tname values here except the wan
our @iptname = ("computerisms", "computerisms-pub", "computerisms2remote");

## Enable full detail for per-host reporting (set to 0 to disable, set to 1 to enable)
## List each --tname you have in @iptname and enable/disable each one
#our %iptdetail = (
#	"computerisms" => 1,
#	"computerisms-pub" => 0,
#	"computerisms2remote" => 0,

## Set the base directory to store daily data
our $base = "/root/scripts/bwdata";

## Set 32-bit system or 64-bit system
our $wrap = 4294967295; ## Uncomment this for 32-bit
#our $wrap = 18446744073709551615; ## Uncomment this for 64-bit

## Set these values as per the cronjob to the last run of the day to generate and send a report.
our $rpthour = "23";
our $rptmin = "59";

## Set Mega or Mibi
our $mb = "1000"; ## Uncomment this line for Mega
#our $mb = "1024"; ## Uncomment this line for Mibi

## Set this to the max bandwidth in GB(GiB) before incurring overage charges
our $maxbw = "90";

## Configure mail settings
our $smtpserver = "";
our $mailfrom = "firewall\";
our $mailto = "bob.miller\";
our $mailhello = "";
our $smtpauthname = "smtpauth\";
our $smtpauthpass = "xxxxxxxxx";

##                                                                                ##
##           You should not need to change anything below here                    ##
##                                                                                ##

## Populate time and date variables

our $date = Time::Piece->new;
our $time = $date->time;
our $hour = $date->hour;
our $min = $date->min;
our $month = $date->strftime('%Y/%m');
our $thisday = $date->strftime('%d');
our $today = $date->ymd("/");
our $yesterday = ($date - ONE_DAY)->ymd("/");

## Test if Today's directory exists, if not create it

if (!-d "$base"."/"."$today"."/") {

## Set System Executables

our $doipt = qx(which iptaccount) or die "cannot find iptaccount program $!";
our $donbt = qx(which nbtscan) or die "cannot find nbtscan program $!";
#our $doarp = qx(which arp) or die "cannot find arp program $!";
chomp ($doipt, $donbt);

## Now Collect iptaccount data for internal subnets

for my $curiptname (@iptname) {
	if (!-d "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$curiptname"."/") {
	my @ipt = qx($doipt -s -l $curiptname);
	my ($lastrun, $hostname);
	foreach my $i (@ipt) {
		next if $i =~ /^\D/;
		chomp $i;
		my @ip = split(';', $i);
		my $curfile="$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]";
		if (!-e $curfile) {
#			open IP, ">> $curfile" or die $!;
#			print IP "timestamp iptin iptout insince outsince runttlin runttlout runttl wrapin wrapout hostname hostchange\n";
			if (-e "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]") {
				my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]", tail => 1);
				$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
				my @resetday = split (/ /, $lastrun);
				@resetday[5..9,11] = (0) x 6;
				$lastrun = "@resetday";
				chomp $lastrun;
			} else {
				$lastrun = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 undef 0 ";
				chomp $lastrun;
		} else {
			my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$curiptname"."/"."$ip[0]", tail => 1) or die $!;
			$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
			chomp $lastrun;
		my @lastrun = split(/ /, $lastrun);
		my ($sincelastin, $curttlin, $sincelastout, $curttlout);
		if ($lastrun[1] > $ip[2]) {
#			$sincelastin = $lastrun[8]*$wrap+$ip[2]-$lastrun[5];
			$sincelastin = $wrap+$ip[2]-$lastrun[1];
			$curttlin = $lastrun[5]+$sincelastin;
		} else {
			$sincelastin = $ip[2]-$lastrun[1];
			$curttlin = $lastrun[5]+$sincelastin;
		if ($lastrun[2] > $ip[4]) {
#			$sincelastout = $lastrun[9]*$wrap+$ip[4]-$lastrun[6];
			$sincelastout = $wrap+$ip[4]-$lastrun[2];
			$curttlout = $lastrun[6]+$sincelastout;
		} else {
			$sincelastout = $ip[4]-$lastrun[2];
			$curttlout = $lastrun[6]+$sincelastout;
		my $runttl = $curttlin+$curttlout;
		next if ( $sincelastin == 0 && $sincelastout == 0 );
		my @hostlook;
		my $lookup = qx($donbt -s : $ip[0]);
		if ( $lookup ne '' ) {
			my @hostlook = split (/:/, $lookup);
			$hostname = $hostlook[1];
			$hostname = trim($hostname);
			chomp $hostname;
		} else {
			$lookup = qx(grep $ip[0] /proc/net/arp);
			if ( $lookup ne '' ) {
				@hostlook = split (' ', $lookup);
				$hostname = $hostlook[3];
				$hostname = trim($hostname);
				chomp $hostname;
				$hostname=$lastrun[10] if ( $hostname =~ /incomplete/ ); 
				$hostname=$lastrun[10] if ( $hostname =~ /00:00:00:00:00:00/ ); 
			} else { 
				$hostname = "NOT DEFINABLE";
				chomp $hostname;
		if ( $hostname ne "$lastrun[10]" ) {
		open IP, ">> $curfile" or die $!;
		if ( -z $curfile) {
			print IP "timestamp iptin iptout insince outsince runttlin runttlout runttl wrapin wrapout hostname hostchange\n";
		print IP "$time $ip[2] $ip[4] $sincelastin $sincelastout $curttlin $curttlout $runttl $lastrun[8] $lastrun[9] $hostname $lastrun[11]\n";

## Now do data for WAN port

my $curfile="$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$wanface";
my ($lastrun, $curwanipt, $sincelastipt, $ttlipt, $insince, $runttlin, $outsince, $runttlout);
if (!-e $curfile) {
	open WAN, ">> $curfile" or die $!;
	print WAN "timestamp ipt sysin sysout iptsince runipt insince outsince runttlin runttlout runttl wrapipt wrapin wrapout\n";
	if (-e "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$wanface") {
		my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$yesterday"."/"."$wanface", tail => 1) or die $!;
		$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
		my @resetday = split (/ /, $lastrun);
		@resetday[4..13] = (0) x 10;
		$lastrun = "@resetday";
		chomp $lastrun;
	} else {
		$lastrun = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0";
		chomp $lastrun;
} else {
	my $lastfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."$wanface", tail => 1) or die $!;
	$lastrun = $lastfile -> read;
	chomp $lastrun;
my @ipt = qx($doipt -s -l $wanipt);
foreach my $j (@ipt) {
	if ($j =~ /^\d/) {
		chomp $j;
		my @ipt = split(';', $j);
		$curwanipt =$ipt[2];
open RX, "/sys/class/net/$wanface/statistics/rx_bytes" or die $!;
open TX, "/sys/class/net/$wanface/statistics/tx_bytes" or die $!;
my $sysin = <RX>;
my $sysout = <TX>;
chomp ($sysin, $sysout);
my @lastrun = split(/ /, $lastrun);
if ($lastrun[1] > $curwanipt) {
#	$sincelastipt = $lastrun[11]*$wrap+$curwanipt-$lastrun[5];
	$sincelastipt = $wrap+$curwanipt-$lastrun[1];
	$ttlipt = $lastrun[5]+$sincelastipt;
} else {
	$sincelastipt = $curwanipt-$lastrun[1];
	$ttlipt = $sincelastipt+$lastrun[5];
if ($lastrun[2] > $sysin) {
#	$insince = $lastrun[12]*$wrap+$sysin-$lastrun[8];
	$insince = $wrap+$sysin-$lastrun[2];
	$runttlin = $lastrun[8]+$insince;
} else {
	$insince = $sysin-$lastrun[2];
	$runttlin = $insince+$lastrun[8];
if ($lastrun[3] > $sysout) {
#	$outsince = $lastrun[13]*$wrap+$sysout-$lastrun[9];
	$outsince = $wrap+$sysout-$lastrun[3];
	$runttlout = $lastrun[9]+$outsince;
} else {
	$outsince = $sysout-$lastrun[3];
	$runttlout = $outsince+$lastrun[9];
my $runttl = $runttlin+$runttlout;
open WAN, ">>$curfile" or die $!;
print WAN "$time $curwanipt $sysin $sysout $sincelastipt $ttlipt $insince $outsince $runttlin $runttlout $runttl $lastrun[11] $lastrun[12] $lastrun[13]\n";
close WAN;

## We should have a pretty comprehensive data set now, let's generate a report:

if ( $hour == $rpthour && $min == $rptmin) {
	my ($wanfile, $mtdwan, $mtdlan, $runipt, $runsysin, $runsysout, $runsysttl, $mtdreadwan, $mtdreadlan, $day, $daysip,  $todayipt, $todaysysin, $todaysysout, $todaysysttl, $mtdttlin, $mtdttlout, $mtdttl);
	my @mtdreadwan;
	my @mtdreadlan;
	my %daily=();
	my $rptfile = "$base"."/"."$today"."/"."Daily.rpt";
	opendir (DAYS,"$base"."/"."$month") or die "Can't open days $!";
	while (my $day = readdir(DAYS)) {
		next if $day =~ /^\D/;
		my $wanfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$wanface", tail => 1);
		$mtdwan = $wanfile -> read;	
		@mtdreadwan = split (/ /, $mtdwan);
		$runipt += $mtdreadwan[5];
		$runsysin += $mtdreadwan[8];
		$runsysout += $mtdreadwan[9];
		$runsysttl += $mtdreadwan[10];
		if ($day == $thisday) {
			$todayipt = $mtdreadwan[5];
			$todaysysin = $mtdreadwan[8];
			$todaysysout = $mtdreadwan[9];
			$todaysysttl = $mtdreadwan[10];
		foreach my $i (@iptname) {
			next if (!-e "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$i");
			opendir (IPT, "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$i") or die "can't open $i days-iptname $!";
			while (my $daysip = readdir(IPT)) {
				next if $daysip =~ /^\D/;
				my $lanfile = File::Tail->new(name => "$base"."/"."$month"."/"."$day"."/"."$i"."/"."$daysip", tail => 1);
				$mtdlan = $lanfile -> read;
				@mtdreadlan = split (/ /, $mtdlan);
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlin} = $mtdreadlan[5];
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlout} = $mtdreadlan[6];
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttl} = $mtdreadlan[7];
				$daily{$i}{$daysip}{mtdttlin} += $mtdreadlan[5];
				$daily{$i}{$daysip}{mtdttlout} += $mtdreadlan[6];
				$daily{$i}{$daysip}{mtdttl} += $mtdreadlan[7];
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{devname} = $mtdreadlan[10];	
				$daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{devchange} = $mtdreadlan[11];	
				$daily{$i}{mtdin} += $daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlin};
				$daily{$i}{mtdout} += $daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttlout};
				$daily{$i}{mtd} += $daily{$day}{$i}{$daysip}{ttl};
				if ( $day == $thisday ) {
					$daily{$i}{dailyttlin} += $mtdreadlan[5];
					$daily{$i}{dailyttlout} += $mtdreadlan[6];
					$daily{$i}{dailyttl} += $mtdreadlan[7];
	my $percentage = int($runsysttl/($maxbw*$mb*$mb*$mb)*100);
	open RPT, ">> $rptfile" or die $!;
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "**                                                                        **\n";
	print RPT "**                     DAILY BANDWIDTH REPORT                             **\n";
	print RPT "**                  For day ending: $today                            **\n";
	print RPT "**                Explanations and Documentation:                         **\n";
	print RPT "**    **\n";
	print RPT "**                                                                        **\n";
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "****************************************************************************\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "SUMMARY\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "                       Percentage of Allowed Bandwidth Used This Month:  $percentage%\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "", "Today", "", "This Month", "");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data on External Port", int($todaysysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data on External Port", int($todayipt/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runipt/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	print RPT "\n";
	foreach my $i (@iptname) {
		if ( ! defined $daily{$i}{mtd} ) { 
			$daily{$i}{mtd} = 0;
		if ( ! defined $daily{$i}{dailyttl} ) {
			$daily{$i}{dailyttl} = 0;
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data on $i", int($daily{$i}{dailyttl}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtd}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	print RPT "\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "============================================================================\n";
	print RPT "\n";
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "", "Today", "", "This Month", "");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data - Download ", int($todaysysin/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysin/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data - Upload", int($todaysysout/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysout/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Raw Data - Total Usage", int($todaysysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runsysttl/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Total Usage", int($todayipt/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($runipt/$mb/$mb), "MB");
	print RPT "\n";
	foreach my $i (@iptname) {
		my $uci = uc $i;
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "$uci USAGE - DETAILED REPORT\n";
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "\n";
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "", "Today", "", "This Month", "");
		for my $def ( $daily{$i}{dailyttlin}, $daily{$i}{mtdin}, $daily{$i}{dailyttlout}, $daily{$i}{mtdout}, $daily{$i}{dailyttl}, $daily{$i}{mtd} ) {
			if ( ! defined $def ) { 
				$def = 0;
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Download ", int($daily{$i}{dailyttlout}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtdout}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Upload ", int($daily{$i}{dailyttlin}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtdin}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
		printf (RPT "%-36s%17s%3s%17s%3s\n", "Accounted Data - Total Usage ", int($daily{$i}{dailyttl}/$mb/$mb), "MB", int($daily{$i}{mtd}/$mb/$mb), "MB");
		print RPT "\n";
	foreach my $i ( keys %{$daily{$thisday}} ) {
		my $uci = uc $i;
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "============================================================================\n";
		print RPT "\n";
		printf (RPT "%-15s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%19s%6s\n", "IP ADDR", "DAYDN", "DAYUP", "DAYTL", "MTDDN", "MTDUP", "MTDTL", "Last Seen Host  ", "Host #");
#		if ( keys %{$daily{$thisday}{$i}} ) {
			foreach my $ips (sort ( keys %{$daily{$thisday}{$i}} ) ) {
				printf (RPT "%-15s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%19s%6s\n", $ips, int($daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{ttlout}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{ttlin}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{ttl}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$i}{$ips}{mtdttlout}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$i}{$ips}{mtdttlin}/$mb/$mb), int($daily{$i}{$ips}{mtdttl}/$mb/$mb), $daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{devname}, $daily{$thisday}{$i}{$ips}{devchange});
#		}
	close (RPT);
## Send the report

	open DRPT, "< $rptfile";
	my $dailyreport = do { local $/; <DRPT> };

	my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new ( "$smtpserver", Hello => "$mailhello" );
	$smtp->auth ("$smtpauthname","$smtpauthpass");
	$smtp->mail ("$mailfrom");
	$smtp->recipient ("$mailto", "$mailto2");
	$smtp->datasend("From: $mailfrom\n");
	$smtp->datasend("To: $mailto, $mailto2\n");
	$smtp->datasend("Subject: Daily BWRprt - Monthly usage is $percentage %\n");
	$smtp->datasend("Date: $date\n");