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## 2013.01.07 -
## Script written by Bob Miller
## Use it, share it, don't claim it.

echo "Welcome.  I am the Computerisms mail utility helper.  I can help you with the following tasks:"
echo ""
echo "	[1]	Manage Aliases (make an existing address answer for more than one address)"
echo "	[2]	Manage Forwarding (make mail that arrives to an address get resent to another address)"
echo ""
read -p "Please enter the [number] of the taks you wish me to perform:  " TASK

echo $TASK

case $TASK in 
			echo "Okay, we are managing mail Aliases."  
			echo ""
			read -p "This section requires Network Administrator Credentials.  Please enter a username with sufficient privileges:  " UNM
			echo ""
			read -sp "Thank you.  Please enter the password that goes with this account (what you type will not display):  " PASS && echo
			echo ""
			echo "Thank you.  Please pick your task:"
			echo ""
			echo " (1)	Show all addresses with one or more aliases, and list the aliases (will output to less)"
			echo " (2)	List any aliases a specific address has"
			echo " (3)	Add or Remove an alias to an address"
			echo ""
			read -p "Enter the number corresponding to the task you wish me to perform:  " ALSTSK

			case $ALSTSK in
						ldbsearch -H ldap://localhost -b "CN=Users,DC=computerisms,DC=com" -U $UNM\\%$PASS mailAlternateAddress=\* > /tmp/aliasdata.txt
						ALNUM=$(cat /tmp/aliasdata.txt | tail -2 | head -1 | cut -f 2 -d " ")
						echo "There are $ALNUM addresses with Aliases"
						while [[ $(grep sAMAccountName /tmp/aliasdata.txt) != "" ]]; do
							sed -n '1,/^$/ p' /tmp/aliasdata.txt | grep -e sAMAccountName -e mailAlternateAddress >> /tmp/aliaslist.txt
							echo "" >> /tmp/aliaslist.txt
							sed -i '1,/^$/ d' /tmp/aliasdata.txt
						sed 's/sAMAccountName/Account Name/' /tmp/aliaslist.txt | sed 's/mailAlternateAddress/Has Alias/' | less

						read -p "Sure, please enter which account you want me to look up (do not include the part):  " ACCTNM
						echo ""
						echo "Account $ACCTNM has the following Aliases:"
						ldbsearch -H ldap://localhost -b "CN=Users,DC=computerisms,DC=com" -U $UNM\\%$PASS sAMAccountName=$ACCTNM | grep  mailAlternateAddress | sed 's/mailAlternateAddress: //'

						read -p "Sure, please enter which account you want me to Modify (do not include the part):  " ACCTNM
						echo ""
						ldbsearch -H ldap://localhost -b "CN=Users,DC=computerisms,DC=com" -U $UNM\\%$PASS sAMAccountName=$ACCTNM | grep  mailAlternateAddress | sed 's/mailAlternateAddress: //' > /tmp/alias.$ACCTNM
						ANUM=$(cat /tmp/alias.$ACCTNM | wc -l) 
						FN=$(echo $ACCTNM | cut -f 1 -d .)
						LN=$(echo $ACCTNM | cut -f 2 -d .)
						echo "dn: CN=$FN $LN,CN=Users,DC=computerisms,DC=com" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
						echo "changetype: modify" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
						if [ -s /tmp/alias.$ACCTNM ]; then
							echo "Account $ACCTNM has $ANUM aliases already.  Let's go through them and you can tell me if anything needs changing"
							echo ""
							for ALS in $(cat /tmp/alias.$ACCTNM); do
								read -p "$ALS is an alias for $  Do you want to [k]eep or [r]emove this alias?  " KR
								if [[ $KR = r ]]; then
									if [[ $(grep delete /tmp/aliases.ldif) == "" ]]; then 
										echo "delete: mailAlternateAddress" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
									echo "mailAlternateAddress: $ALS" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
						echo ""
						while [[ $ADDAL = y ]]; do
							read -n 1 -p "would you like to add an alias to $ [y]es or [any key] for no" ADDAL
							echo ""
							if [[ $ADDAL == y ]]; then
								if [[ $(grep ^add /tmp/aliases.ldif) == "" ]]; then
									echo "-" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
									echo "add: mailAlternateAddress" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
								read -p "Please enter the alias (include the part):  " ADDALNM
								echo "mailAlternateAddress: $ADDALNM" >> /tmp/aliases.ldif
						ldbmodify -H ldap://localhost -U $UNM\\%$PASS /tmp/aliases.ldif
						echo ""
						echo "Alias records have been modified.  Have a nice day!"
						echo "Ohh!.  I am sorry to have send you back, but that was an invalid choice"

			rm /tmp/alias*

			echo "Okay, we are manageing mail Forwards.  You need to know that dotQmail are easy to use."
			echo "You should really learn to modify them manually.  Please choose your task:"
			echo ""
			echo " (1)	List all accounts that forward their mail, and show all the forwards for each account (will output to less)"
			echo " (2)	List all forwards for a specific account"
			echo " (3)	Modify the forwards for a specific account"
			echo ""
			read -p "Enter the number corresponding to the task you wish me to perform:  " FWDTSK
			case $FWDTSK in
						echo "These are all the accounts that have forwards, and the list of where the mail is forwarded too:"
						for i in $(ls /home/mail/*/.qmail | cut -f 1,2,3,4 -d /); do 
							if [[ -e $i/Maildir ]]; then 
								HOME=$(echo $i | cut -f 4 -d /)
								if [[ $(grep ^\& /home/mail/$HOME/.qmail) != "" ]]; then
									echo "$ forwards too:" >> /tmp/fwd.txt
									grep ^\& /home/mail/$HOME/.qmail | cut -f 2 -d \& >> /tmp/fwd.txt
									echo "" >> /tmp/fwd.txt
						less /tmp/fwd.txt
						echo ""
						echo "These are all the accounts that are forwarding their mail right now"
						echo "Have a Wonderful Day!"
						echo ""

						read -p "Sure, please enter which account you want me to look up (do not include the part):  " ACCTNM
						echo ""
						if [ -e /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail ]; then
							if [[ $(grep ^\& /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail) != "" ]]; then
								echo "Account $ACCTNM has the following Forwards:"
								grep ^\& /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail
								echo ""
							echo "Account $ACCTNM has no forwards"
							echo ""
						echo ""
						echo "That is all the forwards I can find right now for $ACCTNM"
						echo "Have a Wonderful Day!"
						echo ""

						read -p "Sure, please enter which account you want me to Modify (do not include the part):  " ACCTNM
						echo ""
						if [ -e /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail ]; then
							if [[ $(grep ^\& /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail) != "" ]]; then
								grep ^\& /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail >> /tmp/fwd.txt
								FWDNUM=$(wc -l /tmp/fwd.txt)
								echo "Account $ACCTNM has $FWDNUM Forward(s).  Let's go through them and you can tell me what needs to change:"
								echo "Please note the leading ampersand (&) is supposed to be there"
								echo ""
								for FWD in $(cat /tmp/fwd.txt); do
									read -n 1 -p "$ forwards to $FWD.  Do you want to [k]eep or [r]emove  this forward?  " KR
									echo ""
									if [ $KR == k ]; then
										echo $FWD >> /tmp/fwd.txt.2
						while [[ $ADDFWD == y ]]; do
							read -n 1 -p "would you like to add a forward to $  [y]es or [any key] for no" ADDFWD
							echo ""
							if [[ $ADDFWD == y ]]; then
								read -p "Okay, please enter the address to forward mail for $ACCTNM to:  "  FWDADDR
								echo "&$FWDADDR" >> /tmp/fwd.txt.2
						read -n 1 -p "Should I keep a local copy of the mail I forward for $ACCTNM?  [y]es or [any key] for no" LOC
						echo ""
						if [[ $LOC == y ]]; then
							echo "/home/mail/$ACCTNM/Maildir/" >> /tmp/fwd.txt.2
						if [ -e /tmp/fwd.txt.2 ]; then
							chmod +t /home/mail/$ACCTNM
							cat /tmp/fwd.txt.2 > /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail
							chmod -t /home/mail/$ACCTNM
							rm /home/mail/$ACCTNM/.qmail
						echo ""
						echo "Forwards updated for $ACCTNM"
						echo "Have a Wonderful Day!"
						echo ""
			rm /tmp/fwd.txt*

			echo "Invalid Entry, Sorry, Please Start Over"