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Install Asterisk
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System Prep
- apt-get install mysql-server libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev ncurses-dev subversion linux-headers-$(uname -r) doxygen php5-mysql sudo apache2-mpm-itk libapache2-mod-php5 openssl libssl-dev libnewt-dev libbluetooth-dev libogg-dev libical-dev libspandsp-dev libdb-dev mpg123 php-pear php5-curl vsftpd build-essential
- pear install DB
Obtain and Build UW-IMAP Client Libraries
- Find latest downloads here:
- cd /usr/src
- wget
- tar zxf imap-2007f.tar.gz
- cd imap-2007f/
- make slx EXTRACFLAGS="-I/usr/include/openssl -fPIC"
Obtain and install DAHDI
- BIG FAT NOTE: some telephony hardware will not work with the latest dahdi. save time now and find out the latest dahdi supported by the hardware
- Find latest downloads here:
- cd /usr/src/
- wget
- tar zxf dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz
- cd dahdi-linux-complete-
- make all
- make install
- make config
Obtain and Install LibPRI
- Find latest downloads here:
- cd /usr/src/
- wget
- tar zxf libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
- cd libpri-1.4.14/
- make && make install
Obtain and install Asterisk
- Find latest downloads here:
- cd /usr/src
- wget
- tar zxf asterisk-11-current.tar.g
- cd asterisk-11.5.0/
- ./contrib/scripts/install_prereq install <= Note: Country code for Canada is 01
- ./contrib/scripts/
- ./configure --with-imap=/usr/src/imap-2007f/
- make menuselect
- Add-Ons => enable chan_mobile, format_mp3, res_config_mysql, and all the deprecated ones
- Channel Drivers => disable chan_mgcp, chan_oss, chan_phone, chan_skinny, chan_unistim, chan_gtalk, chan_jingle
- Resource Modules => disable res_calendar_ews res_calendar_exchange res_config_ldap res_config_pgsql res_config_sqlite res_odbc res_config_odbc
- Voicemail Build Options => enable IMAP_STORAGE
- Core Sound Packages => enable CORE-SOUNDS-EN-WAV, CORE-SOUNDS-EN-GSM
- Music On Hold File Packages => enable MOH-OPSOUND-GSM, MOH-OPSOUND-WAV
- Extras Sound Packages => enable EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV, EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-GSM
- Save and Exit
- make && make install && make progdocs
- for i in acl.conf udptl.conf cdr_custom.conf cel_custom.conf cli_aliases.conf res_ldap.conf res_config_sqlite3.conf users.conf phoneprov.conf; do cp /usr/src/asterisk-11.5.0/configs/$i.sample /etc/asterisk/$i; done
- chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk /etc/asterisk /var/{lib,log,spool}/asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk
Configure Mysql
- mysql -u root -p
- create database asterisk;
- create database asteriskcdrdb;
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on asterisk.* to'pbx'@'localhost' identified by 'DBMinion';
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on asteriskcdrdb.* to'pbx'@'localhost' identified by 'DBMinion';
- quit
Obtain and Install FreePBX
- Find latest downloads here:
- cd /usr/src
- wget
- tar zxf freepbx-2.11.0rc1.tar.gz
- cd freepbx-2.11.0rc1/
- mysql -u root -p asterisk < SQL/newinstall.sql
- mysql -u root -p asteriskcdrdb < SQL/cdr_mysql_table.sql
- ./start_asterisk start
- mkdir /Computerisms/sites/
- ln -s /Computerisms/sites/ /Computerisms/sites/html
- sed -i 's!;date.timezone =!date.timezone = America/Whitehorse!' /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
- ./install_amp --my-svn-is-correct --install-moh --webroot /Computerisms/sites/ --dbhost localhost --dbname asterisk --username pbx --password DBMinion
- ln -s /var/lib/asterisk/moh /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
- sed -i 's!AMPWEBROOT=/Computerisms/sites/html!AMPWEBROOT=/Computerisms/sites/!' /etc/amportal.conf
Configure Apache
- vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/
- mkdir /var/log/apache2/
- chown root:adm /var/log/apache2/
- a2ensite
- service apache2 reload
- samba-tool dns add houselian pbx A
Configure Telephony Hardware
- rtfm
Start Asterisk and Configure FreePBX
- Note
- amportal start
- in a browser navigate to login as admin/admin
- navigate to settings=>advanced settings=>Asterisk Manager=>change the password=>click the green checkmark on the right
- Scroll Down to User Portal Admin Password=>Change the password=>Click the green checkmark on the right
- Scroll up to Developer Mode and set it to false=>Click the green checkmark on the right
- Set Leave Reload Bar Up to False=>Click the green checkmark on the right=>apply config
- navigate to the connectivity tab and configure your trunks and routes=>apply config
- navigate to admin=>Module Admin=>select Repositories and click check online
- whatever else, get OSS PBX EndPoint Manager and Bulk Extensions
Configure EndPoint Manager
- > /etc/vsftpd.conf; vi /etc/vsftpd.conf
- /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
- sed -i 's/ftp:/ftpsecure:/' /etc/passwd
- sed -i 's/ftp:/ftpsecure:/' /etc/shadow
- passwd phnmngr
- in the freepbx web gui, navigate to connectivity=>End Point Advanced Settings
- set ip as, and config and firmware directory as /IPPhones=>Select Disable TFTP Server Check=>Click Update Globals
- As required:
- go to and download the package for your phone brand
- navigate to connectivity=>oss Endpoint Advanced Settings=>Manual Endpoint Modules Upload/export and use it to upload the package for your phone brand
- navigate to connectivity=>oss endpoint configuration=>click check for updates=>Select your phone brand and click install=>select your model and click enable=>apply config
Deploying Phones
- Navigate to Applications=>Extensions
- create an extension for a typical user=>submit=>apply config
- navigate to Applications=>Bulk Extensions=>Click Export Extensions
- Use whatever spreadsheet magic you know to populate all the extensions as you need them=>save the file
- under Applications=>Bulk Extensions click choose file, navigate to your spread sheet and click load file
- navigate to extensions=>while true; do (($EXTNUM++))=>Unpack the phone=>Enter mac address under end point manager section=>submit=>apply config
- go plug phone in, it will probably take a little while, but it should grab the config and come up with the right name on the phone.
Enable Unified Messaging/IMAP Storage
- Navigate to Settings=>voicemail admin=>system
- Set imapflags=ssl/novalidate-cert
- Set imapport=993
- Set
- Submit=>apply config